Measure texts similarity with Sentence Transformers (embeddings)
Imagine you have a lot of objects with text descriptions (users and their bios, tweets, comments) and you need to somehow cluster them: find groups of similar objects.

Imagine you have a lot of objects with text descriptions (users and their bios, tweets, comments) and you need to somehow cluster them: find groups of similar objects.
You can come up with keyword-based distance but that's not scalable and simply not cool. The cool thing is to use neural networks to transform texts into vectors (embeddings) because it is simple to find the distance between vectors.
In this post, I'll show you how I did it with Crunchbase companies and their long descriptions using Google Colab (free GPUs for transformers) and Sentence transformers from Python library (for embeddings).
Step 1: Prepare dataset
Basically, you need a CSV table with two columns: object id and its text description. I'd suggest starting with the small subsample of data and then, if everything works fine, enlarge the data.

Step 2: Upload it to Google Colab
Open and create a new notebook. Then upload your file with descriptions using the side menu:

Step 3: Run the code
Install required python library. Others are already installed. Just copy-paste the code to Google Colab cells and press SHIFT+Enter to run it.
!pip install -U sentence-transformers
Download the embedding transformers (will take some time). You play with other networks, I just used a random one called paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v1:
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v1')
Read your uploaded dataset:
import pandas as pd
descs = pd.read_csv("./cb_descs.csv.gz", index_col=0)
Now let's run our DL stuff and wait while GPUs go brrr
Don't forget to enable GPUs for your notebook:

Calculate embeddings (I wait 16 minutes for my data with 200k rows):
clean_embeddings = model.encode(descs["description"].values)
Find 10 similar object ids to every id in the dataset:
from scipy import spatial
tree = spatial.KDTree(clean_embeddings)
uuid_embeds = dict(zip(list(descs.index), clean_embeddings))
index_to_uuid = dict(zip(range(len(descs.index)), list(descs.index)))
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
for uuid, embeddings_vector in tqdm(uuid_embeds.items()):
if uuid in RESULTS:
closest_indexes_of_vectors = tree.query(embeddings_vector, k=11)[1][1:]
RESULTS[uuid] = closest_indexes_of_vectors
Tqdm says it will work 100h which is nonsense. But here you go: now you can measure the distance using texts and find the top 10 closest objects.
And finally, prettify and save results:
for uuid, indexes in RESULTS.items():
"cb_org_uuid": uuid,
"similar_to_org_uuid": index_to_uuid[i],
for i in indexes
results_df = pd.DataFrame(FINAL_DATA)

My DL / NLP friends suggest using KNN to speed up the last part. Now your turn to research stuff! Tweet me if you succeed 👋